Thursday, December 18, 2014


Philosophers Stone the perfect gift.
This book is worth over a million dollars to anyone desiring to cure cancer and other terminal diseases. It is about a real substance that exists everywhere in huge quantities. It is an alien science so advanced that it makes mainstream science look like child’s play. It is capable of extending life indefinitely and increasing intelligence beyond any known measurement. It has anti-gravity properties and it can also be used as a food to travel to other star systems. It was also used for telepathy and teleportation.
You can look it up on youtube by typing in ORMUS or ‘how to make the philosopher’s stone’.  My book contains six recipes developed by Fizer Pharmaceutical to make it in your kitchen.  The cost of the book is only $15.00.

Every second you have to rip apart six million body cells and replicate new ones in order to maintain your present shape. It takes a lot of energy to unwind six feet of DNA and replicate three billion DNA, RNA sequences. To do it perfectly without losing DNA requires the proper elements and energy. The mitochondria furnish this energy. We have three or more little alien cells in each of our body cells that produce energy of our human cells. They are known as mitochondria and they have their own DNA.

As of 1990 scientists analyzed mitochondrial DNA from people all over the world and have only come up with 43 different types. At the current time the number of different types of mitochondria DNA is now 48.

Because m-state (monatomic state of matter) particles are so large and the protons further apart the atomic forces holding them together is weaker. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity so they push apart. When you have double the number as in two combined atoms the weak force holding them together is much weaker making it possible to transmute them into different elements. Transmutation of elements is possible. It is done with frequency. The mitochondria are able to transmute the proper elements for cell division by rearranging the protons.

Although scientists tell us transmutation of elements is impossible it is going on inside our body all the time at a rate of six-million body cells a second.
ORMUS was carried in the Ark of the Covenant and put into the priest bread for life extension, brain enhancement and to rebuild their DNA. This technology has been kept secret and used by the priests and pharaoh elite to defeat and outwit their enemies for thousands of years.

Twenty-five years ago I had to start thinking in Quantum Field Technology in order to understand this material. It took me five years to write the book and my head was spinning in higher dimensions before I finished it. So far I have had about 1000 medical doctors read it and it has been traded around to various university libraries.

Entanglement consists in opposite spins resulting from momentum preservation at the moment of decay/creation. They are not connected by any transcendental cordon umbilical, but have opposite spins. The claim is that by measuring one I know the other.
M-state are combined atoms with all the protons in the center so the nucleus is 8 times larger than a normal atom. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity. When you have double the number as in the higher elements, gold, and platinum group they push apart so the nucleus is eight times larger than an atom. The electrons pair up called; Cooper Pairing in opposite directions forming a ring. Since they are passing each other at twice the speed of light they produce an in credibly high magnetic frequency pulse. Because the particles are so large (about 50 times larger than an atom) the atomic forces between the particles are much weaker than an atom. This makes transmutation of elements possible because they can be ripped apart and transformed into different elements quite easily by using magnetic pulses.

When charged up with photons the electrons have more energy and the m-state particles disappear from third dimension. When they cool off they reappear. Their unique shape reproduces magnetic fields with no loss of power and repels away from magnetic fields.

When you put in a Mason jar, small magnetic fields will push it through the glass molecules. You have to place the Mason jar inside a metal can (Faraday shield) and keep it in the fridge. Steel wool packed around the outside of the Mason jar between the metal can offers additional shielding. What you are creating here is a Faraday cage. After you have purified a batch you have to keep it in the fridge because bacteria and mold loves the stuff. It’s an ideal growing medium.

It is their unique shape that determines their properties. The best information I can gather and my own experience say they outnumber third dimensional matter at ratios of 10,000 to 1 (probably much more near the poles of black holes). Their shape dictates that they repel magnetic fields and fit the technical definition of a superconductor in that they magnetically resonant couple with each other given magnetic fields of the proper high frequency and they do it with no loss of power. Thus their very existence explains quantum entanglement.

The ancients put it in their bread for higher enlightenment and longevity. They carried it in the Ark of the Covenant which was a wood box made of insulating wood and metal designed to exclude magnetic fields. King Solomon made most of his money selling bread. His bread was highly prized by the kings, priests and princes of other nations who didn't have the technology to make it.

When they opened the Great Pyramid in 1909 there was a very fine white powder on the walls and floor. Due to its physical shape the particles have anti gravity properties. They swept it up and sent some to London England. They didn't have the testing facilities to test for rhodium and gold in M-state so they threw it away.

In 1948 American soldiers were digging through two 20 by 20-foot store rooms ten feed deep filled with a white powder. They were looking for gold and didn't realize what they were digging through was gold in the m-state.

In the same year archaeologists were excavating an Egyptian gold mine on the Sinai Peninsula. They found six ten by twelve store rooms off to the side and one of them contained six-inches of a very fine white powder. The desert winds blew it away. Mankind has used the stuff for thousands of years for power and but our modern civilization hasn't got a clue.

I believe the original purpose of the Ark was to communicate with other planets. The story goes; Moses and other adepts could bring forth the Shikana Glory (electric discharge from the M-state inside the Ark) by concentrating on it from a distance. Brain power alone was creating an electron cascade. They ate the stuff and it goes through the blood brain barrier combines with fat and stays there. A powerful adept using 80% instead of the human five or ten percent of their brain practicing fifty or a hundred years could produce holographic images or strong thought patterns taking the place of verbal communication.

The information was transmitted instantly to other planets where a similar device was set up in a pyramid. They didn't have to wait years for the slow speed of light to transmit and receive information to the other side of the galaxy or even other galaxies. They worked with nature.

Moses and his brother Aaron used it to defeat their enemies by transmitting commands into the heads of the generals or even to stop their hearts if they didn't retreat.

To learn more about the mysterious m-state, the magic Hebrew MFKZT powder read my book: Philosopher’s Stone. For orders of twenty or more go to: The best way to get it is to call 1-877-buy book. It is also listed on and my web sites:

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Freaky BIBLE history.
“The God of Moses and Abraham was an ancient reptilian bird ‘headed’ god. This is Horus another name for Tammuz which is the eye in the Illuminati triangle on the dollar bill. Some of the Gods pictured in the ancient Sumerian carvings and wall reliefs have bird-of-prey-like, heads with a beak. He also carried a water bucket.

Giants or Nephilim the Fallen Ones were commonly 8 feet tall, however some were up to 18 feet. Goliath a remnant giant was only 9.5 feet tall. They lived hundreds of years and interbred with humans. YHWH was explicit in keeping the Ten Commandments. The first four of the Ten Commandments pertain to worshiping the one rather egocentric God. He wanted their complete devotion or else.

The following is a copy of the illegal, federally-outlawed 10 commandments of God!

1.        Thou shall have no other gods before me.
2.        Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image.
3.        Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4.        Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
5.        Honor thy father and thy mother.
6.        Thou shall not kill.
7.        Thou shall not commit adultery.
8.        Thou shall not steal.
9.        Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shall not covet anything that is thy neighbor’s.

In Exodus when Moses sent the two young Hebrews out to spy on the Promised Land they walked among the giants. Reporting back to Moses they said, “We were like grasshoppers among them” meaning they were small in stature compared to the giants. They were greatly afraid, saying, “The land eateth up the people.” Apparently the giants were beaming people and livestock off the Earth to some other planet. This is done using the interdimensional, white-powder-of-gold or ORME gold.
They Nephilim were a very advanced race of people who came here to mine gold. The workers they brought with them rebelled to they created the human race from indigenous, Neanderthal specie to mine the gold. Scientists examining the much heavier Neanderthal skeletons determined that the five-foot tall Neanderthal could easily lift 2000 pounds. Did they help create the pyramids?
What people don’t realize is that Earth has lost most of its atmosphere down from 300 PSI during the Carboniferous Era with a 15% CO2 to 100 PSI in the Jurassic and now 14.5 pounds per square inch at sea level. All that CO2 carbon was laid down as coal, oil and limestone with photosynthesis. If you could extrapolate all the carbon back into the atmosphere you would have a high pressure atmosphere. For aliens to live on this planet and breathe today’s rarified atmosphere required them to genetic engineer of a human with a large lung capacity.  
Marduk the son of Enki was born on Nebru. Enki’s other son Thoth who was born on Earth. Two hundred fifty-thousand years ago Enki and Mauri (Mary) created modern man as slaves to mine their gold in South Africa. Two archeologists are currently uncovering a city the size of London and Los Angeles combined.  It is buried under twenty feet of gravel thrown up by the great flood of Noah.
The first modern humans were created by invitro fertilization. It took many try’s to perfect the first man. Many of them had to be destroyed before they had the first man that could interbreed. Mauri (Mary) donated her eggs and with the help of sperm from indigenous species they created Adam. Using some of Adams DNA from a rib bone they created a female that could successfully mate with him.
The god of Moses was YHWH with no vowels as the reptilian (spelling error) gods had a hard pallet and couldn't pronounce vowels. (These are hybrid humans half Fallen Angel half Human. Some are chimera; half animal half human. Similar to UFO entities today which are being bred in underground complexes like area 51 where this research was started from Hitler’s work in Germany. Hitler was a Nephilim Ashkenazi Jew in Germany.
The original Hebrew language was like the Star Trek), Klingon. It had no vowels and was the language of the gods. To make sense out of it the humans had to insert vowels so YHWH became YEAWEH... In Exodus had to erect a large portable tent made of twenty-foot long by 2-foot wide cedar planks for him every night. They couldn't watch him eat or look upon his face because the people would see what he looked like. He probably wore a burka when walking outside to keep the humans from seeing how he looked.
YHWH had a flying machine that emitted smoke in the day time and fire at night as he flew ahead leading the way to the land of Median. This is talked about in Exodus.
To feed him: when they ran out of goats or lambs and had to sacrifice one of their children--as in the Abraham story. Grow up people open your eyes and grow a brain.
The Moon has not been up there billions of years as mainstream history would have you believe. Ancient Greek writings talked about a time when there was no Moon and people lived in the mountains and ate acorns. Type IN THE BEGINNING into Google and read the little 100-page book translated from Greek and other languages by Immanuel Velikovski.
Everyone lived for hundreds of years before the worldwide cataclysm triggered by bringing in the Moon tilting Earth. The impact of 700 terra-megatons tilted Earth 23.5 degrees taking it out of the Ice Age. The Anunnaki needed to tilt Earth in order to thaw the ice caps back about 1,800 miles both north and south. This uncovered more area for them to mine gold. The impact of the moon hitting the Arctic Ocean caused much internal pressure releasing the fountains of the deep covering continents with water.
The extreme pressure of 700 terramegatons depressed Earth’s crust five kilometers with a crater one-third the diameter of the Moon creating the Arctic Ocean. The impact exterminated all the camels, horses and mastodons in North America and piled up heaps of bones on the Kamchatcka Peninsula. The resultant force of the impact cause the fountains of the deep to well upward. Huge tidal waves 1000’s of feet high covered most of the continents. Parts of South America around lake Titicaca were elevated over ten thousand feet from sea level. The entire continent of Antarctica was elevated several thousand feet as the force of the impact was transmitted around the core of the Earth.

Here’s where it gets really freaky. The Masonic survey of Washington, DC reveals the head of a giant bird or owl

“The Egyptian hierogram for the star Sirius consists of three shapes: a five-pointed star, an oval, and an obelisk. Amazingly, this is just what we find in stone in WashingtonD.C. The entire city is dedicated astromantically to the star Sirius and its occult deities. Astrology is good enough for the ruling Plutocrats it seems. Pity that when the ordinary person seeks to use the divination arts for their own personal physical and spiritual empowerment, they are considered freaks and devil-worshippers.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol.”
Once a year the ruling elite of the world have a secret meeting at Bohemian Grove near San Francisco, California. Only the rulers of the world are let inside the locked gate. Famed radio commentator, Alex Jones allegedly gained access to Bohemian Grove during one of those meetings and witnessed the sacrifice or mock sacrifice of a child to a stature of a giant bird or owl. 

I didn't say I didn't believe in God. In an infinite Universe there are probably an infinite number of gods. I believe some ET’s come here to watch over mankind and will help us if we ask them. Organized religion was invented to control the slaves and weak minded. 

I wrote a book more than 20-years ago titled Philosophers Stone. Its about ORMES, orbitally rearranged monatomic elements respond to brain waves and we probably use them for brain synapse. This material responds to prayer and can manifest all your desires. 

We also use them for cell division in that due to their low atomic bonding the mitochondria use them to make the proper elements to make energy for complete cell division. ORMUS was carried in the Ark of the Covenant and put into the priest bread for the priests and pharaohs. The common people didn't get this inter-dimensional mineral supplement.

I also don't believe in the "big Bang; creation event. The deep field Hubble pictures show fully formed galaxies. Einstein secretly didn't subscribe to the Big Bang creation event either. He had to go along with it or be sent back to Germany where they were killing Jews.
The Big Bang theory was invented by a Catholic monk Lemetre? in 1926 and Edwin Hubble put some math behind it in 1928. In my book I quoted Stephen talking about an infinite no boundary universe. If such a thing exists then there are an infinite number of civilizations that we would consider to be Gods...

I am convinced that there are civilizations that can live in other timeless dimensions. Given the ageless and endless universe there would be civilizations that can live in space indefinitely without the need for a planet. They would nave no interest in coming down to Earth to mingle with the natives. Have you seen the sun divers on youtube?
Giant spaceships dive into the sun to gather energy and come back out again. They have to be the size of a small moon. How many people could live inside such a craft?

Note the two stars and a moon on the ancient Iraq marker stone.

According to ancient Sumerian documents the Anunnaki came here in spaceships filled with water in a voyage that lasted eight years. This makes sense because water in a non-compressible liquid that would protect them from micrometeorites.
After eight years of being cooped up in a tiny craft it’s no wonder that upon arriving on Earth they found the native women attractive and took them as wives. It’s in your Bible...

We have them to thank for the ten commandments which are also written in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. According to the Greeks the Oonaes came up out of the ocean to teach mankind. Ancient carvings and drawings depict them as aquatic life forms. Along with Thoth the Egyptian (Hermes) we have them to thank for mathematics, writing, healing, architecture and practically everything we have in our our so-called modern civilization.

PS, The large skulls have a cranium capacity of over 2000 CC's while humans have between 800 to 1100 CC's. They are not human as they lack the hinges that allow the skull to pass easily through the birth canal.