Sunday, April 8, 2012


Dear Friend of Freedom:

I have a deep conviction that many people don’t really understand what Easter is all about. I recently heard about a Sunday School teacher who was asking her Kindergartners some questions about Easter. “What is today?” she asked. Johnny raised his hand and said, “Palm Sunday.” “That’s correct,” said the teacher, “and what is next Sunday?” “Easter Sunday,” Johnny replied. “That’s correct,” said the teacher, “and can anyone tell me what Easter is about?” Johnny said, “It’s about Jesus rising up out of His grave. If He sees His shadow, He must go back for six weeks.” Well, Johnny was partly correct. Easter is about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please allow me to share with you evidence of the valid resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1. Eyewitnesses saw Him after the Resurrection
There are 100 New Testament records of Jesus’ resurrection, and He was seen by more than 500 people. (I Cor. 15: 5-7)

2. There was the Prophetic Record
Did you know that Psalms 49:15 and Psalms 16:10 prophesied His resurrection 1,100 years before He was born?

3. There was the attempted Cover-Up
The religious leaders of Israel tried to say that the disciples stole the body of Christ. Why? The body was gone. Jesus began appearing to people and the leaders feared word spreading that he had resurrected. (Matt. 28: 1-15)

4. The Witness of the Early Church
In 33 years of life, Jesus had 120 disciples. A short period after His death, thousands began to accept Him. What made the difference? They experienced the resurrected Christ. (Acts 2:41, Acts 4:4) Millions this year will celebrate the resurrection of Christ, and it all began with a few witnesses in the early church.

5. There was the Empty Tomb
In 1996, I stood in a long line to see the empty tomb in Jerusalem, Israel, and a thought hit me. We were waiting to see NOTHING. Yes, my friend, Lenin is in the tomb, Buddha is in the tomb, Mohammed is in the tomb, but Jesus’ tomb is empty! Rocks and tombs could not keep Him in and walls and rooms could not keep Him out.

6. The fact that Christ lives within our Hearts
I love the story about the doctor examining a precious six-year old girl. He looked in her mouth and asked if Donald Duck was in there. She responded by saying, “No.” He then looked in her ears and asked if Goofy was in there. Again, she said, “No.” He then put the stethoscope to her chest and asked if Barney was in her heart. She said, “No, silly! Barney is on my underwear. Jesus is in my heart.”

The greatest evidence of the resurrected Christ is the fact that He lives in the heart of every child of God.

I serve a risen Savior. He’s in the world today. I know that He is living, whatever men may say. You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart!

Happy Easter!

Dr. Benny Tate
FFC Pastors Advisory Council
Senior Pastor
Rock Springs Church

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